A letter to my 100-years-old self

Dear 100-year-old me,

I hope this letter finds you in good health and happiness. I wonder what life is like for you in the year 2078. How much has the world changed since I wrote this in 2023? How much have you changed?

I'm writing this to remind you of who you are and what you have accomplished so far. You are a kind, courageous and curious person who loves to learn new things and explore new places. You have a passion for writing, music and art that expresses your creativity and emotions. You have a family and friends who care about you and support you in your endeavors.

You have also faced many challenges and difficulties in your life, but you have always overcome them with resilience and grace. You have learned from your mistakes and grown from your experiences. You have never given up on your dreams and goals, even when they seemed impossible or out of reach.

You have made a positive impact on the world in your own way, whether it was through your work, your hobbies or your relationships. You have touched many lives with your kindness, generosity and wisdom. You have inspired many people with your courage, optimism and humor.

You have lived a full and meaningful life, and I'm proud of you for that. I hope you are proud of yourself too. I hope you still have some dreams and goals to pursue, some adventures to embark on, some memories to cherish and some stories to tell.

I hope you are happy with who you are and what you have done. I hope you still love yourself and others as much as I do now. I hope you still enjoy the simple pleasures of life as much as I do now.

I don't know what the future holds for you or me, but I know that whatever happens, you will always be my older self and I will always be your younger self. We are connected by a bond that transcends time and space. We are one and the same.

I love you very much,

Your 45-year-old self

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